Debenture Trustee
In terms of SEBI guidelines, all debenture issues (public/rights) of the Companies with the maturity period exceeding 18 months are required to have "Debenture Trustee" and its name must be stated in the prospectus of the Issue. A Debenture Trustee is appointed to represent and protect the interests of debenture/bond holders. The necessity of creation of debenture trust is to organize the large number of debenture holders and facilitate interaction by the Companies issuing debentures with a single entity rather than individual debenture holders.
We act as Trustees for the debenture holders
- To accept security created by the Company and ensure compliance in of terms of security stipulation by the Issuer
- To secure the repayment of Principal and payment of Interest thereon on due dates.
- Taking action for safeguarding interest of the Investors and enforcing their rights in times of need.
- To redress grievances of the Debenture / Bond holders effectively
- To enforce the security at the behest of the Debenture / Bond holders.
Our Bank as a Debenture Trustee (registered with SEBI), is providing trusteeship services for many Corporates including Government Corporations, Public/Private Limited Companies.
Our List Of Issuer Companies:
- Mahendra Mills Ltd.
- Rathi Alloys & Steel Ltd.
- Jayant Paper Mills Ltd.
- The Ahmedabad New Cotton Mills Ltd.
- Zenith Limited.
- Ludhiana Municipal Corporation.
- CEAT Ltd.
- Texmaco Ltd.
- The Ahmedabad Electricity Co. Ltd.
- HMT Ltd.
Click here for the view Half yearly report as on 31.03.2015
For further details, please contact:
Assistant General Manager,
Merchant Banking Division,
Treasury & International Department
Head Office, Kolkata- 700 001
Phone No.s : 033-44557735/38
Tele Fax : 033-44557702/55
e-mail-Id : [email protected]
[email protected]