Debenture Trustee

Debenture Trustee

In terms of SEBI guidelines, all debenture issues (public/rights) of the Companies with the maturity period exceeding 18 months are required to have "Debenture Trustee" and its name must be stated in the prospectus of the Issue. A Debenture Trustee is appointed to represent and protect the interests of debenture/bond holders. The necessity of creation of debenture trust is to organize the large number of debenture holders and facilitate interaction by the Companies issuing debentures with a single entity rather than individual debenture holders.

We act as Trustees for the debenture holders

  • To accept security created by the Company and ensure compliance in of terms of security stipulation by the Issuer
  • To secure the repayment of Principal and payment of Interest thereon on due dates.
  • Taking action for safeguarding interest of the Investors and enforcing their rights in times of need.
  • To redress grievances of the Debenture / Bond holders effectively
  • To enforce the security at the behest of the Debenture / Bond holders.

Our Bank as a Debenture Trustee (registered with SEBI), is providing trusteeship services for many Corporates including Government Corporations, Public/Private Limited Companies.

Our List Of Issuer Companies:

  1. Mahendra Mills Ltd.
  2. Rathi Alloys & Steel Ltd.
  3. Jayant Paper Mills Ltd.
  4. The Ahmedabad New Cotton Mills Ltd.
  5. Zenith Limited.
  6. Ludhiana Municipal Corporation.
  7. CEAT Ltd.
  8. Texmaco Ltd.
  9. The Ahmedabad Electricity Co. Ltd.
  10. HMT Ltd.

Click here for the view Half yearly report as on 31.03.2015

For further details, please contact:

Assistant General Manager,
Merchant Banking Division,
Treasury & International Department
Head Office, Kolkata- 700 001
Phone No.s : 033-44557735/38
Tele Fax : 033-44557702/55
e-mail-Id : [email protected]
[email protected]


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