UCO Rewardz

UCO Rewardz





Dear customer, the accrual structure has been modified with effect from 5th September 2022. Please refer the below tables for the new program structure.

UCO BANK presents UCO Bank Rewardz, a loyalty program for all valued customers. Now earn UCO Points when you do an e-com or pos transaction, while making your travel booking or wealth management through UCO mBanking plus app, also an online account opening gives you loyalty rewards, your consistency as digital customers also make you earn these points and many more. Customer only needs to log in UCO mBanking plus app to enjoy the rewardz benefits.

How to Earn & Redeem UCO Points?

To earn UCO Rewardz Points, you can spend towards e-com transactions, make the bill payments, digital payments, secure your future with wealth management, travel booking, digital account opening etc. (refer the table below for more details). To reap the benefits of the UCO Reward points customer must use UCO mBanking plus app.

More Ways to Earn UCO Points

You earn UCO Points on various transactions done across many banking services:


UCO Points Earned

Debit Card 1st transaction post issuance

1. Within 10 Days – 75 points

2. Within 20 Days – 50 points

3. Within 30 days – 25 points

Debit Card 1st Three Transaction Activation post issuance

1. Within 10 Days – 75 points

2. Within 20 Days – 50 points

3. Within 30 days – 25 points

Debit Card Transactions

Non-Personalized:  1 point per Rs.200 Maximum 2500 points per qtr. Per Customer.

Personalized:  1.5 Points per Rs.200 Maximum 2500 points per qtr. Per Customer.

Super Premium (RuPay Select/Visa Signature): 2 Points per Rs.200 Maximum 2500 points per qtr. Per Customer.

Net banking Self- Registration

20 Points for self – registration (One Time)

Net/Mobile Banking transactions (Bill payment)

2 point per transaction for Bill payment & Recharge (Only in SB account & with minimum transaction amount Rs. 100)

Maximum 50 Points per month

M-banking Self- Registration

100 Points for self – registration (One Time)

UCO Savings account opening

Online SB a/c opening with V-KYC & min balance of Rs.1000/- Online Account opening - 100 Points

Online Trading

20 Points (Rs.4) for 3 Online trading transactions in one month through Mobile Banking.

NPS Account Opening

100 Points (Rs.20) for online NPS account opening through Mobile Banking.

NPS Account Deposit

20 Points (Rs.4) for each NPS deposit through Mobile Banking.

Online account opening (RD/ FD) through Mobile Banking

20 Points per account with a capping of maximum 200 Points per quarter.
RD: minimum Rs.500/month
FD: minimum Rs.5,000/-

Travel (Hotel/Fight/Bus Ticket) Booking through Mobile Banking app

5 Point per transaction of Rs. 1000/-

Points for consistency in usage of Debit Cards / Mobile Banking / Internet Banking

Debit Card (For minimum 3 txn, each with spend of Rs.500/- or above per month)
Personalized: 35
Super Premium: 50
Internet Banking (For minimum 3 Internet Banking transaction, each with spend of Rs. 1000/- or above per month)
Retail user: 20 Points
Corporate: 30 Points.
Mobile Banking (For minimum 3 transactions, each with spend of Rs.500/- and above per month)
Retail user: 20 Points.
Corporate: 30 Points.

for Transaction in the Birthday Week i.e. Previous 7 days of Birthday

2 x rewards Points on:
*POS & E-Commerce Transactions by Debit card holder.
*Wealth Management services (Mobile Banking).
*Travel Marketplace services (Mobile Banking)

For Using U-Cash in ATM

w.e.f from 1st May 2024. 20 Points Once in a month

Scan n Pay ( Through mBanking app) Once per Customer per month

10 Points

Redeem your accumulated UCO Points on a wide range of products across categories such as apparel, electronics, jewelry, home décor, kitchen appliances and services such as movie tickets, air tickets, mobile/DTH recharge, exclusive gift vouchers & more.

 Accelerate your Earnings

Accelerate earning UCO Points by availing special offers at Max Get More partner outlets. This will ensure that you don’t just collect but also multiply your rewards while purchasing at these outlets. To check out the list of Max Get More partner outlets, please click here.

UCO Bank Rewardz Membership

As a UCO BANK Account holder, you’re auto enrolled as a member on UCO Bank Rewardz. However, to view your UCO Points and redeem them, you must log in to UCO mBanking plus app.

UCO Points Balance

To view your UCO Points Balance, Sign Into your UCO Bank Rewardz account through UCO Mobile Banking App and access rewardz section to view and redeem your points.

You can also Contact UCO Bank Rewardz customer care at 1800-419-4252 (Operational Days & Hours: Monday to Saturday, 9 AM to 6 PM)

Redemption options

Redeem your UCO Points for a host of exciting products and services:

  • Merchandise
  • Flight Booking
  • Bus Booking
  • Hotel Booking
  • Movie Booking
  • Mobile Recharge
  • DTH Recharge
  • EGV
  • Charity
  • Instore/Online redemption at Partner Merchants

So go ahead and earn your Reward Points, be it on your regular transactions or on those occasional ones.

Terms & conditions apply

